Populate LOV in BPM workspace pages (HumanTask generated pages)
We want to show the case status value instead of statusID in Case HumanTask object
• In Jdeveloper create a Model project the BPM Application.
• Connect to the database where the domain values are available and accept all default settings Click Finish.
• Create a Viewobejct and it to the AppModule
• Accept all default settings Click Next then Finish
• Add the ViewObject to the AppModule
• Drag the value of the DataControl to the page and create select one choice
Select the following in the popup screen
• In the Base Data Source the payload of the object, in this case is CaseObject
• Chose Dynamic List
• In the List Data Source select the created LOV datasource
• For the datavalue select status and the List Attribute the ID from LOV
• Chose for Display Attribute the Description
• Then OK
In the SelectOneChoise element set auto submit= true
You Done, now you can delete the status value which has been auto generated from the HT page.