The aim of this blog is to describe the configuration of WLS to connect to Artemis QM.
This is based on a POC create for this purpose.
- Configuration for writing queue
- Created a project with a businessService to write the queue.
- The Queue ‘DSLTEST’ created on the Artemis server.
Create JMSServer “Artimis_JMSServer_SOA_1” target it on soa_server1
- Create JMS Module
- ArtemisJMSModule
- Create ForeignServer inside the module
Configure the JNDI connection URL and user the “org.apache.activemq.artemis.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory” as JNDI initial context Factory.
Configure destination. Note that the Remote JNDI Name should start with dynamicQueue/<queuename>
Create a connection factory as Remote JNDI Name ‘QueueConnectionFactory’
Create a BusinessServer to write the queue
Create an oracle SB Proxy to read from the queue. The most important is that you use a ServiceAccount to authenticate the user.
Any Question? drop me a message