Open Eclipse (I’m using Oxygen Release (4.7.0))
1- Click file New then Other, Select Maven Project, then Next, on the second wizard page keep default and then Next.
2- On the Archetype page you will not see Camunda,
- Click on Configure
3- Add Remote Catalog
- Copy paste the :
- Put Camunda as description
Now you can see Camunda under Catalogs
4- Select Camunda
5- Select Camunda-archetype-servlet-war
- On the next page give your project and package a name and Click Finish
Your directory structure should look like the below screen.
- As you see a template empty BPMN process is create, this will be your starting point for farther development
6- Now you can run your project as Maven Install
- Check your directory structure, you see a WAR file create
- Just deploy the WAR file to your Camunda installation folder
- Check in the console, you can see your deployed process under the processes
In case of any question, please leave a comment.