Plugin’s descriptor contains the wrong version: 12.2.1-1-0

If you have the message while building SOA 12c with Maven. ” Invalid plugin descriptor for (/data/appdata/.m12c/repository/com/oracle/soa/plugin/oracle-soa-plugin/12.2.1-2-0/oracle-soa-plugin-12.2.1-2-0.jar), Plugin’s descriptor contains the wrong version: 12.2.1-1-0 ->”

you need to update the configuration files inside the JAR file in “oracle-soa-plugin-12.2.1-2-0.jar“. Edit the jar file with 7zip and go to “META-INF\maven\’ edit plugin.xml and replace 12.2.1-1-0 with 12.2.1-2-0. you are done.

In case of any question, drop me a message.


OSB DB adapter in jdeveloper 12c having error

Thread description :

I’m using Jdev and while creating DB adapter getting an error message “Failed to generate the business service Can’t set text value, current token can have no text value”

I searched the web and found that Oracle has a patch for this issue, but the description for linux was not there and beside that the documentation is too large to get read all for a small and critical issue.

I will make it easy for you and I have tested myself.

download the patch Patch 26851310 from oracle support site here. or from my repo here.

  • unzip it anywhere
  • make sure to have oracle_home and java_home set
  • go to <oracle_home>/OPatch
  • ./opatch apply /User/mazinabdulah/oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/26851310/